At Device Pitstop, we make it easy to be green. In today’s world, being green and being kind to the environment is really important. At Device Pitstop, we follow that every single day.
We buy your gently-used smartphones, iPhones, laptops, MacBooks, desktops, and iMacs – and if we can’t fix them, we use the parts on other machines we repair or we recycle them for you in a responsible way. On top of that, you can get a like-new device from us that is also gently used – helping the recycling and reusing process even more. You also get a fantastic price on anything you buy from us along with a guarantee that it is in good shape and works great.
Stop in to your local Device Pitstop and see what we have to offer. You are being kind to the environment, purchasing a great device, and saving a boatload of cash – not to mention the cash we pay you on-the-spot if you just sell us your gently-used device. You’re being green, saving money on a like-new device, or just pocketing the cash – a win-win for you no matter which way you go!